Originally Posted by Drake
Ok. Fair enough. I see your point, Trapped.
But I think the reason may be simpler than you describe.
Assuming there is a conscious effort to not use the term “deacon” or “deaconess” it would more likely stem from the fact that the descriptor has been used and spoiled by institutional Christianity were it is a title, it is an official associated with the clergy class.... little deacon became big Deacon. That explanation would be consistent with the teachings and practices of the local churches and to avoid inadvertently creating classes in the local churches.
Yet, I have no proof that is why or how this low key use of the term deacon came about. I rather think it is because serving one is the meaning of the Greek diakonos. Just like we don’t use the term “called out assembly” but rather a vernacular expression ....”church”.
Surely the Lord's recovery can "recover" the proper use of the word deacon
But this isn't an issue that keeps me up and night, and like you said, at the moment we have no proof with the information that is available to us about why it isn't used. Several explanations are plausible.