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Old 06-28-2018, 12:35 PM   #394
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Default Re: Finally I decided to not join Full time training.

Originally Posted by Sons to Glory! View Post
No. I never spoke with the brother. And I don't want to slander him in any way. My personal belief is he was on track and then somewhere along the line, he got off track. He appears to have been blind that things he believed and spoke earlier on, didn't fully align with things later.

I have received blessings from the Lord through this brother. But in the end, that's all he was - a brother. A brother with vision but also warts, just like the rest of us. The promise and hope in Christ, is that He is faithful to remove all those warts. We're all in process. But when one man gets elevated, church history shows over and over what happens. No difference here.
Well I never sat around with brother Lee. My friend that goes by Hosepipe did, a couple times. Tried to talk to him but Lee treated him like he wasn't there. My friend said that Lee made the hair stand up on the back of his neck.

I did attend plenty of Lee's speakings, if that counts for anything.

But all that wouldn't turn me off to Lee. Lee was as human as the rest of us. What turned me off to Lee was when he started thinking of himself more than he ought.

When it came down from Anaheim that Lee was the one and only apostle on the earth, and the oracle of God and authority of God, then I knew that Lee had gone off the rails. Then Lee was claiming that he wasn't as human as the rest of us. He was better.

So maybe there are some slanderous scurrilous libel against Lee out here. Maybe not.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think the record has Jesus saying something like, "those who exalt themselves will be humbled."

Lee exalted himself, and is now being humbled.

Get use to it bro Drake. You'll get over man worship sooner or later ... hopefully. I'll pray for you.
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