Originally Posted by Drake
Couple of points on the above.
First, were you ever in a meeting with Brother Lee? Training or conference or conversed with him around a table in a small group or spoke with the man one on one? If not, then do not believe everything you hear in this forum. There is another side. I have had those opportunities and the Witness Lee in this forum is not the Witness Lee I had the pleasure to know. If Brother Lee was anywhere near like the monster folks paint him as in this forum then no one would be there.
No. I never spoke with the brother. And I don't want to slander him in any way. My personal belief is he was on track and then somewhere along the line, he got off track. He appears to have been blind that things he believed and spoke earlier on, didn't fully align with things from him later.
I have received blessings from the Lord through this brother. But in the end, that's all he was - a brother. A brother with vision but also warts, just like the rest of us. The promise and hope in Christ, is that He is faithful to remove all those warts. We're all in process. But when one man gets elevated, church history shows over and over what happens. No difference here.