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Old 06-27-2018, 07:35 AM   #380
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Default Re: Finally I decided to not join Full time training.

Originally Posted by Drake View Post
Nnnnnnnnn... no.

Trapped, you seem to be thinking in clergy terms... title-ish.

I have heard the term deacons used but it really just refers to serving ones, the most used term. And serving ones also includes brothers or sisters. Elders is a term that is used to refer to... well elders... but even then not as a formal title..... not like “Hi, I’m Elder Buzz! Nice to meet you.” but like “there will be an elders meeting in Harold’s VW van this Saturday “. Anyway, serving one replaces deacons and deaconess and means the same thing.

This post by our friend Drake exposes one of their program's most blatant hypocrisies.

For decades they have condemned the entire body of Christ for having "titles" thus creating so called "hierarchies." They claimed that only TLR is free from this dreaded disease of the "clergy-laity" system. "We are all brothers," they boldly proclaim, as they exalt the books and teachings of Nee and Lee.

Nothing could be further from the truth. In the LCM, the LSM and their paid staff all dwell on a higher plane than those merely associated with the LC's. Anyone from LSM HQs is above even church elders. Elders are constantly in fear lest they get reported back to HQ's as not being sufficiently supportive of their many programs, always called the "move of the Lord." How dare any LC eldership have an event which interferes with LSM's schedule.

Their PR message is duplicitous demagoguery. One day they claim to be "humble servants at a book publisher," and the next day they elevate themselves as Popes, the Vicar of Christ on earth, ruling their little kingdom as despots.

So Drake mocks the elders who gathered for prayer in "Harold's VW van" perhaps because of some domestic emergency in one of their families, but then he exalts their ITERO gathering at some luxurious resort like Whistler. How much better they are, sitting around condemning "poor, poor, Christianity!" And "thank God we are not like those pathetic elders huddling in a VW van for prayer and fellowship."

You have your reward.
Ohio's motto is: With God all things are possible!.
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