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Old 06-26-2018, 10:57 AM   #364
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Default Re: Finally I decided to not join Full time training.



Aron is a credible resource anecdotally. For that matter so am I. So is everyone.

I have no objection to what you said. Of course culture is ingrained in us. Everybody has culture be it American, German, Chinese. etc. and sometimes it oozes out all over. My objection was that aron claimed that in Asian culture the more one is abused and mistreated the more complaint they become. He witnessed it. Well, its okay to witness and have an opinion about how to interpret what you witnessed but at the point he stated "it is Asian culture" then I ask for a credible source to validate that assertion. If he cannot provide one then the reader can decide whether it is a fact or just his opinion.

Anecdotally, I have worked with most of the Asian cultures professionally in person and onsite for decades..... PRC China, Hong Kong, Japan, Korea, Singapore, Vietnam, India, and the Philippines, I never saw any, not one, Asian become compliant when confronted, spoken to harshly or disrespectfully, face to face, in writing, or through an interpreter, To do so is the kiss of death as far as relationships are concerned. Furthermore, I have worked for Asian companies, on the payroll, and I also can testify that Asian managers, just like their American counterparts, do not achieve a compliant and productive workforce, orfrom subordinates, by abuse or mistreatment. Anymore, than as occurs in any other ethnic group.

I am not saying people do not have their own distinct culture and that it doesn't carry over into their work or ministry... I am saying that there is no evidence from a credible objective source, and I have studied this matter for professional reasons, that suggests Asians become complaint when they are abused and mistreated because it is a cultural thing with them. That is outrageous. If aron had said that as an employee of any multinational corporation he would be hauled into HR and have some serious splain'in to do. But, this isn't a multinational corporation, aron is not an employee, and he can say whatever he wants, he can makes things up, or he can play off of false racial stereotypes which he has done more than once in this forum. I'm not put off by that but I don't have to sit by and let false assertions go by unchallenged. Therefore, I asked him for a credible source to substantiate that specific assertion.

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