Re: An Open Letter Regarding Lyndol Butler's Accusation on "A Faithful Word
In her open letter Jane ask why those at won't come to the forum to answer. The reason is that all of their wordy arguments are built upon false premises. Their multi-towered verbal mazes are resting upon a foundation of sand.
If they ever dared to come to a public discussion about these things their footing would be easily knocked out from under them. They rests upon the false premise, first of all, that they are God's Recovery. Also, that Witness Lee is the lone apostle for the "age." Additionally, that every Local Church is THE representative expression of the Lord's interest in any given locality. They also rest upon the false premise that they are "God's UP-to-date Move on the Earth."
If you stand behind an insulating wall, and believe all these things, then it's easy to go to their website and say, "Yes, that's right. It makes all the sense in the world."
However, in an open arena, all these things are easily dismissed as foolishness. If Dan Sady or any of those brothers dared to come here to defend the false premises upon which their arguments stand, they would be made to look foolish before many of their faithful who lurk around these kinds of sites.
Instead, they cower behind LSM walls and beat their chests about being God's unique whatever. Or, they stand on elevated platforms before very selective and narrow audiences where they are sure to get a thunderous "AMEN."
Come out, brothers, from hiding. Come to an open forum and defend the false premises upon which all your wordy arguments stand. If you can adequately defend these false notions, then maybe we can get to talking about whether "quarantines" are legitimate or not. Set aside your personal attacks, and character assassinations, and step up like men. How dare you obsess about turning into God, when you have so much trouble just being men.