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Old 06-24-2018, 12:54 PM   #15
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Default Re: Finally I decided to not join Full time training.

Originally Posted by leastofthese View Post
The danger doesn’t lie in whether you feel like going or if you like all the rules - the danger with the FTT is the teaching and leadership you’d be subjected to.
Before LSM quarantined TC and the Ohio LC's, they would use the FTTA to sow seeds of suspicion into the young people under their care about the leadership in the Midwest. These YP would return to their families and host LC's with suspicions about them, as if we were their "enemy."

We then learned -- albeit slowly -- that the Blendeds had a pernicious agenda with the FTTA against TC. They are not on the up-n-up. Some of their agents had impure motives. Their program was not just about "Christ and the church," rather they were "sheep-stealers." No other way to describe it. In some cases it seemed they cared nothing for these young people, only that they were "ruined" for the Ohio LC's. Some of this occurred while WL was still alive, but it worsened after his death.

Eventually the decision was made not to publicly promote the FTTA any longer in the Midwest. We would not prevent any YP from going, neither would we encourage them. This also became the attitude towards all of their "Feasts." Before the Quarantine, the war against us was covert, afterwards it became overt. And mean-spirited. The Blendeds have the attitude that if they abuse and mistreat you, then you will become more compliant. WL got away with that, but the Blendeds could not.
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