Re: Being disciplined by the Lord
Hi Awareness
The situation you present about the one who sexually assaulted a boy needs more than just going to meetings to be resolved, though nothing says one of those elders couldn't be in contact with him in an attempt to help - like "you who are spiritual restore such a one" in Galatians 6. It's too easy to oversimplify an answer for something like that; people and situations are more complicated and need wisdom and time.
In terms of my experience with observing what you might call discipline, I remember one time a brother stood up during a prayer meeting and began to yell at one of the elders by name, and went on a rant. I was pretty new, but I remember thinking he did not sound emotionally stable - he was all over the place in his thinking. He was escorted out of the room. Soon afterwards (at another meeting) a different leading brother told us that they were talking with this brother, had asked him not to come to the meetings for a while, and that we should not speak or have contact with him (based on disassociating from people who speak divisively) They also told us that his wife (and kids) were not "one with this kind of speaking" and that she was fully welcomed in the meetings, etc. Some time later, another announcement was made, he was welcomed back, and life went on.
There were other incidents from time to time over 20 something years, that we could discuss, but that wasn't my primary reason for that initial post =) - I'm hoping to hear more about the effect that hearing this kind of message about discipline and resultant lack of fellowship, had on anyone's individual relationship with the Lord, i.e. though you confess your sin, the Lord doesn't establish fellowship with you again right away.
At the time, I wondered - well, how will I know when and if I can have fellowship with Him again?
Because of my own particular mindset and background (the silent treatment from a parent) at times I felt discouraged if I failed (lost my temper at my kids, felt lazy, had critical thoughts, etc.) I was, and still am, tempted to start subjectively analyzing my experience, which doesn't seem very healthy and may not even according to truth.