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Old 06-14-2018, 11:27 PM   #120
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Default Re: Does "Baptist" Mean to a Baptist What "Recovery" Means..

Originally Posted by leastofthese View Post
T.T. Martin? Never heard of him. He’s not the MOTA of Baptists. Your comment is a weird comment given it’s undeniably stark contrast to reality.
That was what Baptists believed before they became all liberal and all.

Here is one quote, which is remarkably similar to Lee.

Picture Methodists and Presbyterians and Disciples in Open Communion, the Presbyterian with his Calvinism, the Methodist with his salvation-partly of works, and the Disciple with his immersion in order to the remission of sins. Are there not divisions there? Why, if what the Disciple teaches is true, the Methodists and the Presbyterians have no remission of sins and are going to hell. They call it, and the world calls it, Open Communion; but God says it is not possible to eat the Lord's Supper, because there are divisions there.

Or maybe J. R. Graves:

Denominational communion never has been sustained, and never can be, but at the expense of peace. It has always been the occasion of discord among brethren. It has alienated churches one from the other. It has distracted and divided associations, and all for the very good reason that it is departure from the simplicity that is in Christ.
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