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Old 06-13-2018, 12:32 PM   #26
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Default Re: A New Book: Regarding the Ground of Oneness in Locality

Originally Posted by Trapped View Post

Yes it is! I copied and pasted it to my own computer so I could re-read and get into it more fully.


The ground of oneness teachings need to be challenged according to the scripture. To be honest, nothing has been more damaging to the children of God throughout the church age than the abuses of distorted oneness. Remember Catholicism was established as the oneness church. God's enemy has used distorted oneness to replace the truths of scripture and the love of God to cause much destruction. Torture, inquisition, shunning, excommunication, public shaming, etc. have all been used to silence the mouths of God's children concerning evil, and to force their obedience.

Numerous other sects like the Exclusive Brethren, Little Flock, and LCM have used distorted oneness to silence the saints into submission so that all sorts of destructive heresies could be carried out. The teaching and practice of distorted oneness is the great silencer, holding people in fear and bondage, so that only the voice of the leader (Pope, Oracle, "Our Brother," MOTA, Bishop, etc.) can be heard.
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