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Old 06-13-2018, 02:21 AM   #21
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Default Re: A New Book: Regarding the Ground of Oneness in Locality

Originally Posted by Trapped View Post
In plenty of other places in the Bible, the plural "churches" is used. To follow WL's line of thought that the singular "church" here is used in the universal sense, why would that be? To use "church" here rather than "churches" (which would flow just as smoothly, still make as much sense, and wouldn't lose any impact) means the universal/local distinction is made for a reason. . . . if OCOC is legit, what could the reason be for going through the trouble of making the distinction of the universal aspect of the church in these verses in particular, if WL's interpretation is to be believed?
Roman's 16:4 "Who have for my life laid down their own necks; unto whom not only I give thanks, but also all the churches of the gentiles" (KJV)

What?! Paul?! "churches of the gentiles"?! I thought there was only one church?! No Jew, no Greek? Or in LSM (RecV footnote) parlance, "every church must be absolutely identical". . .what's going on, here?

In actuality, there still exist "every tribe and tongue and nation", and this not a sign of the fall but rather an opportunity to express the variegated glory of God. The "churches of the gentiles" are akin to what we'd call "Chines-speaking meetings" or such: a practical concession to the realities of life on earth.

But what we do is a bit of word-smithing, and call them "meetings" instead of "churches". But the NT Greek is the same: ekklesia. The OCOC dogma is at best superfluous distraction. The danger is to bring stumblings from the adversary so that avaricious ones can seize hold of the flock and usurp the Master.

If you look at the gospel preached in Acts by Peter and Paul it's on the resurrection of Jesus Christ and forgiveness and eternal life in his name. Acts 2, 3, 9, 13, 17, 23 - they repeat this theme over and over. Do you think thousands would have come forward if they'd preached OCOC? Do you think unbelievers who stumble upon this forum and read this thread will be inspired to believe? No; rather they'll think, "Look at these religious people arguing over minutiae. I'm glad I'm not one."
"Freedom is free. It's slavery that's so horribly expensive" - Colonel Templeton, ret., of the 12th Scottish Highlanders, the 'Black Fusiliers'
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