Originally Posted by Sons to Glory!
So assuming you weren't actually funnin' me (maybe the joke is on me - I am still finding it quite amusing  ), let's break it down:
1. "you tried to encourage him to abandon his normal church life practice" I tried to put a mind altering drug in his coffee too.
2. "and attend any ol' place with a sign hanging out front that says 'Church'" Because that's not an accurate description of a bonefide ekklesia?
3. "he might have thought that he could not do that before the Lord because to do so would violate a sacred principle that to meet with someone who separates themselves from the Body because of a doctrine or practice is to endorse division" Who are we talking about here? (OIC, at least I think - I'm endorsing division, right?)
Oh good. Substance with a pinch of humor. Let's break it down.
1. Did you? What were you peddling in that RV? Hard to hit a moving target y'know.
Now, you took his deadpan so seriously that you were compelled to bring it up here in this thread as a proof point that he hates other Christians. At least, that is what you used as a springboard. So, what could he have taken so seriously to cause him to shut down? the RV itself? the mind altering drug? Or that you in testing him, knowing he would have convictions about a topic, purposefully baiting him....sure enough got the precise reaction that you expected. Clever. Now, that proves, what? Zero. Nada. Nunca. Well, maybe it shows he had a good measure of Christ because he didn't say anything though feeling he naively followed your bread crumbs to the point of you challenging his beliefs. You said you knew it upfront and then sprung your well executed plan. He didn't see it coming. Got him, you did..... written all over his face.
2. Exactly. A sign in the front yard or hanging on a building or a portable lighted display with quips and sayings is not a SCRIPTURAL description of a bonafide ekklesia. It is at best, and in general, a clustering of Christians who gather, not on the basis of the one Body, but on some doctrine or practice, gift, or person.
3. Well, you do encourage Christians to stay in their division, don't you? Your breakfast fellowship is shaking hands over the walls that exist between your congregations. In your RV you are like a goodwill ambassador visiting and driving past the wall, up to the house for a cup of tea, and then when you leave you drive back past the wall.. but the wall is still the wall. It is still there. You had a cup of tea and so you are refreshed but what about the testimony of the one Body. What does the world see? they see walls, division, separation. From what little I know of you, you do not actually make any effort to dismantle those walls, nor do you see a need to ... and I am not asking you to either. If you believe in walls then build more walls. You've read that haven't you?
I'm just pointing out that you took opportunity to throw that brother under the bus when the occasion arose but it did not prove your point or byHismercy's.