Originally Posted by byHismercy
Not just here in the LC matters but with my SDA friend...the JW who come to my door, Mormons....whereever He gives me His word and I see deceived ones. I myself have nothing in my natural person that equips me for this task...excepting one thing, the Holy Spirit, and Gods word. He is my only boast, Drake. I have nothing else to boast in. If you knew me in person, you would know it's true! Lol, God bless you, Drake! And all the dear brothers here!
AMEN! SDA - Now there's another discussion. I love SDA saints and have a few good stories about how the Lord has brought about awesome fellowship with them! (As you likely know, they do focus on one person a lot and tend to get legal on certain things . . . many general similarities with the LC I think.)