Originally Posted by OBW
And your point is?? How is it that someone must actually be part of another's ministry to implement the core of that ministry? It is all in writing. And it is easy to find whether Lee or Katz are following Nee the best. I have no idea about Katz, whoever he is. But the starting premise that he must have been part of Nee's ministry to do anything of value with it is purely bogus.
And I will finish later today. Also, you can begin to respond to what I posted. I realize that each of them got longer than I expected, but I tried to keep the topics together. Waiting may not be the better way.
I think that saying a certain person did "a better job" at implementing a ministry implies the ministry as a whole, not just aspects of the ministry. It's one thing to say, "Katz did a better job of implementing
this part of Nee's ministry" and it's another to imply the ministry as a whole by saying "Nee's ministry."
The Lord Jesus's ministry had many aspects: Healing the sick, teaching concerning the law, Himself, and meeting some of the most despised right where they were in a very caring way. Yet these parts were not the sum of His ministry. A ministry is the sum of the parts, not the parts themselves. Interesting that Katz also pointed this out as a flaw in much of Christianity - that some focus on the aspects and not the full ministry itself.
Anyway, with regard to our conversations, I would rather you get it all out of your system before I begin. I've found that with discussions involving many points, which invariably lead to more points, it's easier to follow when each party has had the chance to complete their thought processes. In this way each of us can respond in turn without interrupting the flow of conversation.