To say that we are the same as God in His Godhead is a great blasphemy, but if we say that we cannot be the same as God in life, nature, expression, and function, this is unbelief. - WL
Originally Posted by Freedom
WL frequently made statements like this, that is, he would insist that not accepting his position is the equivalent of something like 'unbelief'. It put his followers in the awkward position of both having to accept his claim and also having to automatically discredit those who didn't hold that view. I don't know many Christians who would accept the claim that Lee made about becoming the same of God. Thus, when such statements are accepted uncritically, it leads to the disparaging view of Christianity that exists in the LCM.
I'm glad you mentioned this, since it was on the homepage quote for the day (or whatever it's called). So yes, you are right. But it does get one thinking, does it not? And this is where WL got into trouble with some Christians as it seems to be making us too much like God.
But if we break it down what he said - "the same in God's life, nature & expression" - and add relevant verses, is it far-fetched? I don't think so. (nonetheless still astounding and amazing beyond description!)
- Life - "He came that we might have (zoe - God's eternal) life." (too many verses on this)
- Nature - "That we might become partakers of the divine nature"
- Expression - "The glory Father you have given to Me I have given them, that they may be one just as We are one."
Christians are always wondering if something has gone too far, which they rightly should. But then often fall prey to not going far enough! "Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor has it come up in the heart of man what God has in store for them that love Him." WL did push those accepted boundaries.