Originally Posted by PriestlyScribe
Ok, then try listening to the first 10min of this message - it examines false reliance upon spiritual terminology in great detail:
''What If'' (Are We Deceived?) Message Related FTTA Outline HYMN 426
What in the world does Art Katz have to do with the Lord's Recovery? You are relating two entirely different messages here.
Sorry, I just don't "get" how your prior post, in which you cite a so-called "prophesy" by Witness Lee, is related to the audio of Art Katz, and the outline you linked, which is not at all related to Katz's message.
Arthur Katz was not at any time connected with the Lord's Recovery. Furthermore, what is perhaps the most damaging of Katz was his rhetorical criticism of Christianity in general (In fact, often his messages were in tone much harsher than Witness Lee's), and more startling, his apparent avocation of "replacement theology." Ironic, since he was raised a Jew.