Originally Posted by OBW
God's righteousness is expressed when we have good family relationships, good work relationships, righteous dealings with our customers, right living as we drive along the highway. His Kingdom comes when there are people living according the the restored position as representatives of God on the earth. Not just in religious meetings having a joyous time popping out of our seats to repeat our "portion" from HWMR or reading from the collected works of Nee and Lee.
You are right on the money. Well said OBW! Here is my serious warning number five [quoting Lee] on this very same matter:
''In the church meetings we may live Christ, but do we live Christ in our
bedrooms or dining rooms and with our wives, husbands, and children? ...Many saints are very good in the church meetings and in the church service, but at home they may live the life not of a
God-man but of a ''scorpion-man,'' exchanging words or quarreling. A certain couple may love the Lord and His recovery. However, at dinner the husband may criticize his wife for her attitude, and she may condemn him for his way of speaking. Then after dinner they attend the meeting of their vital group. But how can these two ''scorpions'' be vital? Because of such a daily situation, in this country it is very difficult to find a genuine vital group. According to my observation, in the vital groups I have seen only deadness, not vitality. All the vital members should be God-men, crucified in their natural life to live a God-man life by the divine life within them.''
Witness Lee - Life Study of First And Second Chronicles - Message 11 - Living Stream Ministry]
Originally Posted by OBW
Pushing your kids aside so you can get to more meetings is the opposite of righteous living.
Again, you are correct. These same two points motivated me to expose Ron Kangas' false teaching regarding the foundational Priorities for Parents in the local churches. This angers the Lord Jesus Christ greatly and it must be brought out into the light and dealt with.
Here is what Witness Lee had to say about those "uber-spiritual" LC parents who neglect their responsibility to teach their own children at home and also to model Resurrection Life in their Marriage relationship:
''To depend upon others for a kind of Sunday school or any other kind of meeting to build up your children for you is altogether not healthy. From the beginning
we have torn down this concept... The church is not going to build up your children... No meeting, no work is going to build up your children... So forget about the thought, the concept that you would depend upon the church to have a certain kind of meeting to build up your children. You have to drop this thought. This is a wrong thought.''
Witness Lee - From an unpublished message in Anaheim, CA. January 30, 1978 - Living Stream Ministry
OBW - What I am trying to point out on this forum is that Kangas & Co have gradually jettisoned a crucial part of Witness Lee's [EARLY] ministry. They have rejected that very part which required saints to "live Christ" first at home, and then, to bring that "lived-out-in-daily-experience" Christ to the meetings - along with all their
truly happy family members. Whenever folks who actually live like that prophesy in a corporate meeting, [local church or elsewhere] then there will be a big impact; there will be conviction of hearts followed by repentance. That kind of prophesying can bring about a real Revival. Here is an example of that from recent church history:
''Chefoo'' style revival in England
But the big problem concerning this for the BB's was that this is something that cannot be faked for very long. This is precisely why such respected champions for a "living Christ at home" family life, like Eugene Gruhler and Chuck Debelak, were shoved off to the side after brother Lee's death by this "family-
UN-friendly" BB operation.
To look at some of Chuck Debelak's
BB-rejected teaching, visit
And to see Eugene Gruhler's
BB-rejected teaching, visit
And also OBW, if you consider yourself to be fully committed to produce a godly household, please take a minute to check out Denny Kenaston's 2003 messages on
The Godly Home. I can guarantee that they will challenge you in a positive way.
Thanks for your meaningful contribution.