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Old 06-01-2018, 12:12 PM   #14
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Default Re: Most Excellent Brothers’ Breakfast

Originally Posted by Sons to Glory! View Post
Hmmmm, I don't know. There are various gatherings that take place all the time, but I don't know that anyone keeps specific track of all of them (and I don't think they need to be tracked).

For instance, a few of us (four to eight typically) bros meet every Tuesday for fellowship, prayer and then we go out to dinner. We've been doing this over 15 years. Different ones show up as they can (some live a long ways off). A couple of them don't generally meet with us any other time of the week. It's always real and always rich! But not in any way organized by the "church." (unless you use the proper definition of church as the "called-out gathering" - the group certainly is that)
That's commendable.... really..... but unless the whole congregation benefits then the profit is limited.

This sounds like what Brother Nee described as "shaking hands over the fence". The brothers breakfast is satisfying on the personal level to those brothers but after the fellowship you each go your separate ways.

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