HEY !!!
I ain't married !! So I can't 'properly' respond to your post !

But I will respond to Ron's comments:
".....The first thing I would say is we need to re-affirm the priority - and that is, we are here seeking the Kingdom first. And first is Christ and the church. If we invert that, and family replaces the church as a priority, we're cutting ourselves off from the Lord's blessing. So the priority is Christ and the church is first, and that's based upon Christ as the burnt offering. This is settled..."
IF this is the case, THEN no one in the LSM should be allowed to get married and have children !! ( What IDIOTIC thinking !

OBVIOUSLY he was NOT responding from his spirit ! Ron was responding straight from his flesh ! )
I will say this:
IF these people truly understood what it is to WALK in SPIRIT/spirit, then they would be walking in S/spirit as they become bonded with their spouses and with their children...which is a process...a journey and not something we accomplish overnight. To he/she that OVERCOMES....says the Word of God.
Anyway, IF we truly endeavor to walk in S/spirit with the help and guidance of the Holy Spirit IN ALL THINGS...doing ALL to the Glory of GOD both in Word and IN DEED, (that is our ACTIONS), then we will be an example to the world AND we will be building/edifying the Body of CHRIST giving the LORD all due HONOR and PRAISE.
This is my .02 worth...coming from a SINGLE sister in Christ, Praise the LORD and now I will step down off the podium and give the floor to someone else.
P.S. Keep looking for more San Diego teachings when you have time,
sir PriestlyScribe.