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Old 05-30-2018, 04:02 PM   #3
Sons to Glory!
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Default Re: Recovering from the Recovery

I don't count some of the theological things as big as the ones I mentioned. I mean, many of these things have been kicked around for a couple thousand years. For instance, the exact nature of the so called Trinity or Triune God. Who can get to the bottom of this? Creation itself is too marvelous, let alone the Creator.

As John Locke said, "I cannot comprehend the mystery of a single flower, neither is it intended that I should!" Trying to do so is like engaging in the proverbial "How many angels would fit" debate . . . In any case, I'll let others do that.

(and if the old creation was way beyond understanding - what about what He's brought forth in the new creation?)

But you may also be referring to the control the LC exercised over others.

So starting with the list I began, here are the sins (i.e., off the mark) of the Recovery:

1. Elitism
2. Unhealthy Fear of the Bema Seat
3. Theological Errors
4. Unhealthy Control
5. What to list next ????

Do those sound like good categories?

Again, personally I think 1 & 2 are the ones that affected me most, but others may differ in their experience.

BTW - I've been compelled to start a new thread about the good things the Recovery has brought forward - let's see how that goes!
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