I am saddened by soo many troubled marriages among Christians...LCrs and otherwise as well as secular marriages.
I have never gotten married...Don't know why but I have never had a strong 'urge' to be married.
Jeremiah did not get married and recently at a conference the minister of the Word of God brought this out. My silly friend turned to me and said
she was changing my name to Jeremiah.

Too funny !
I am very content being single and am able to pray w/o ceasing pray, study the Word of God, meditate on it, build up the Body of Christ, share the gospel, and have FUN, FUN, FUN doing it. Of course, spiritual warfare ain't always fun. And while the JOY of the LORD is my Strength,
I dare NOT remove the WHOLE Armour of GOD. I wear it 24/7 because I know all too well the wiles of the devil ! So I
protect my thoughts at all times ( or try to anyway) by
making sure the Helmet of Salvation is securely adjusted on my head. I make sure the
Breastplate of Righteousness is protecting my heart from growing cold or hardened. I don't let go the
Shield of Faith which
protects me from the firey darts hurled at me with one hand and with the other I hold on to tightly to
the Sword of the Spirit which
is the Word of God.
My loins are girded with the TRUTH...and
JESUS is the Way, the Truth and the LIFE.
My feet are firmly grounded with the gospel of Peace and
I am COVERED by the BLOOD of the LAMB.
You married friends....remember:
CHRIST, the ANOINTED ONE, IN YOU is the HOPE of your GLORY...and your marriage, your children are your Glory. Don't let the devil make mincemeat out of you.
So the Lee ministry screwed up in teaching the married couples how to be strong in the Lord. Too bad soo many of us were blind sheep. Couples should have been sitting together in meetings. There should have been more meetings catered to families. A 'sing in' as we used to call them filled with Praise, Worship and JOY should have been incorporated every two weeks allowing children to participate with their parents and church friends, cousins, and even secular friends.
But that was then...this is now.
I pray
the Lord will restore your health and heal your wounds as He promises in
Jeremiah 30:17 I believe it says.
OUR Heavenly CREATOR, the Father of GLORY LOVES US !!! Gosh, so many people in the LC or former FORGOT that TRUTH. We were drawn to HIM because HE drew us to Himself. And once we surrendered our lives to the Lord, that low-down, no good THIEF threw a snare trying to steal, kill and destroy families and friendships in the name of religion.
But we know how the story ends. So be of good courage. We have a GREAT, AWESOME, WONDERFUL GREAT PHYSICIAN and what Satan meant for evil,
GOD will turn for Good. He did it for Joseph. He did it for me.
Delight in Him as
Psalm 37:4 tells us and
He will grant you/us the desires of your heart.
And you married brothers: When your wife says: YOU JUST DON'T UNDERSTAND ME !!!! Tell them that when God created Adam, he did not watch God make Eve for he was asleep.

uttingtosleep: If he had been awake, he might have figured out what makes Eve tick.

And because he didn't, you don't know how to figure out your wife. Give her lots of hugs and ask the LORD to help you make her laugh. Humor is such a healing property in our lives. SHOULD the LORD ever bring someone to me to marry, I have a tall order...and high on the list is my husband better be FUNNY. Not forced funny but naturally, gifted witty and funny.
Your friend in Christ,