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Old 05-26-2018, 01:24 PM   #35
Jo S
Join Date: Apr 2018
Location: Ohio
Posts: 488
Default Re: Christ or faith the Savior?

Originally Posted by Ohio View Post
The concept of "Gaining Christ," while true, can be taken to an extreme, and thus become a horrible deception. Many LC'ers understood "Gaining Christ" as exercising themselves to "take in the ministry." Nothing could be further from the truth. Where is love, obedience, faith, departing from unrighteousness, etc? Does not God look at the heart?
I agree and the extreme is turning the gaining of Christ into a work or practice such as chanting the Lord's name. This is certainly not the way to gain Christ.

Case in point was during the Ohio quarantines. Bro/sis's were dividing from one another, filing lawsuits, verbal altercations, disrupting meetings, and in many cases behaving worse than the unbelievers, yet they were "gaining Christ" by adhering adamantly to "the ministry." Our Christian walk is not in this way. Compare this kind of behavior to the scribes and Pharisees.

Is this not the worst kind of deception? How do these ones expect to grow, really gain Christ, be sanctified, enter full salvation, etc. by violating all the other commands of scripture?
It seems that the only thing this quarantining did was cause deep-seated trauma and grief. And I clearly see the effects of this in my LC friends. The most obvious being this constant suspicion toward others which prevents them from forming any meaningful bonds with other brothers and sisters in Christ. It's very sad indeed. I'm glad this forum is around to give those affected the opportunity to vent and seek more understanding through their healing process.
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