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Old 05-24-2018, 12:13 PM   #36
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Default Re: How the LCM Affects Personality

Originally Posted by Freedom View Post
Very true. I remember that even from a young age, I was told that anything which didn't have "eternal value" was not worth our time. That definitely led to a diminished enthusiasm about things in life that do matter such as education and a career. When I was in college, I didn't take my studies too seriously (and spent much longer in college than I should have). I was convinced that going to meetings every night of the week was a better use of my time than studying and passing classes.

When the Lord told me to continue in Graduate School, the "brothers" were not happy about my decision. One elder told me that morning revival with the brothers was not adequate, and that I must also be responsible for the noon time campus meeting. Another elder told me that I was responsible for taking care of an abandoned house the church just purchased. Along with that I had two Lab courses to teach, and managed an apartment building I lived in. I had a wife and young child, but I trusted the brothers. Way too much. We were instructed that they "gave an account for our soul."

So much for that. Two months later, I lost both jobs. We were homeless. Dropped out of school. Do you think any of those elders ever apologized for overloading me? Hardly. Looking back, they often used us as slave labor. The third elder asked me to wire an addition to his house. At least he took me out to eat. Chinese food.
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