Originally Posted by Nell
Thanks—Good questions though.
It was a great letter. And thanks for posting it. It's a keeper.
My wish is not that you mailed it to Lee, but rather, to make sure that he didn't just toss it into the circular file, so he couldn't avoid it, you went to him and read it to his face.
Athanasius was Sainted by both the RCC and Eastern Orthodox. And Lee made a lot of his statement that man could become God, when it supported his position on theois/divination.
I think you know what they think about sisters. They like to quote that statement by Anthanasius, but when it came to sisters, they skipped over the fact that Athanasius supported women priests :
Some things I've picked up about "the saint" and sisters :
" . . . for in the Kingdom of Heaven there is neither male nor female. All women who were well received by the Lord attained the rank of men.”
". . . that while in the fallen state of humanity woman was subjected to man, that has been overturned in Christ, for woman as well as man was made in the image of God and is equal in God’s sight."
Lee and followers thought Athanasius was great when he said "man" could become God, but rejected his position on women ... as did those that sainted him.
Thanks again sister ...