Originally Posted by Nell
I wrote this letter in 1994 but I never mailed it. Despite the levity, I asked some important questions which need to be answered by those who still espouse the notion that "man becomes God".
Brother Witness Lee
1853 West Ball Road
Post Office Box 2121
Anaheim, CA 92804
Dear Brother Lee:
I heard you say in a meeting in Irving, Texas on March 6, 1994 that you believe and are teaching that man becomes God. I think I've made it. I mean, I think I've become God.
Women can be God-persons too, can't they? So I can be sure, if someone in the Bible has become God, who would that be? What verse in the Bible tells us that person or persons' name? I need someone to compare myself to. I must also know the name of any subsequent person or persons who have become God, living or dead, if any, since Biblical times. I want to get us all together for a little home group meeting. I have lots of ideas about how all of us God-persons can go on together in the Us-ordained way. I think we should all get together in Hawaii as soon as possible, maybe Thanksgiving would be an appropriate time. There's so much we need to talk about.
I would like to know the name of the person or persons who make the determination that someone has actually become God, and your scripture reference for the qualifications of this person, or do you become God by self-determination? Does the person or committee who decides that another person is God have to himself or herself be God? How do you know for sure when you get to be God? Or, supposing self-determination, when you become God, do you tell people that you are God and they are supposed to take your word for it? In the past, we have always swallowed everything you said, hook, line and sinker, regardless of what the Bible said, but I thought this might be different.
When you become God, is it proper for you to tell people about it? Do you just say "I'm God" or is there a more delicate way to do it? All the people I know about who claim to be Jesus have either been certifiable mental cases or cult leaders. Gosh, I sure hope no one gets any crazy ideas like that about You and Me!
Will my friends and family still call me "Nell" or will I have another title? Can I quit work?
Will the Living Stream Ministry Office be the governing body for designation of God-persons? (Maybe you can bring your son, Phillip, in to help out with this new certification process. Is he a Christian?) Will we apply for some kind of papers authenticating our new status? Will we take an exam? If so, I think I'm ready. I was under Your ministry for fifteen years, and I have been back into Your elders' training books lately (I think that's what put me over the top.) I have read the first eight books. They are quite uplifting—many times I came right out of my chair.
Since "God" by definition is deity, where is your scripture reference for Godship without deity? Don't you think we could just leave that part out? Just this once?
You're God too, aren't you? I think you are. Don't be coy! Tell me. I won't tell. I'm pretty sure I want to start giving conferences and trainings now. You and I have a big job to do if we want to turn Our recovery around. You know how the morale has just about bottomed out.
Since I'm younger, I'll take the lead. You and I can decide who else gets to be God, and when Phillip gets here, he can help. We need a proper title, and, of course, I'll need to look at the books (financial records). We can't have any more little scrapes like the one you got into with Sal in Boston. Since your career is winding down we need some continuity, so I'm sure you'll agree that this is best for Us.
Well, Witness, it's good to fellowship these things with You. If you need any help, now, You know Who to call. You're not alone anymore. You've got all us God-persons to watch out for you. We are all equal aren't we?
Nell, G-p
PS: Is a "god" without deity a false god or no? I was thinking about that Dagon idol in the Old Testament and wondered if he was one of us.
It should also be noted that in 1994 I waited with great anticipation for the "Life Study" of this March 9, 1994 meeting in Irving. When published, it had been sanitized beyond recognition as the meeting I actually attended. "Man becomes God" had been morphed into something else. Also note that “corporately, I.e. the New Jerusalem” wasn’t part of the package in 1994.
So those of you who bought into this "high truth", please support your belief and answer the above questions. That shouldn't be hard. You are God, aren't you?