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Old 05-14-2018, 10:04 AM   #48
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Default Re: Do you think that highest truth of Witnesse Lee can satisfy your hunger

Originally Posted by Truthseeker View Post
The main reason why people search for God and His way of life is hunger and thirst for the Lord Himself.
So, what's about all of your life in the local churches under the direction of Living Stream office?
To be candidly honest, Witness Lee's "highest truth" never satisfied my hunger. Worshiping and praising the Lord was far more satisfying.

In fact, Lee's teachings over time created huge growing conflicts and bondage within. We would hear all the hype during the trainings, come back attempting to put into practice, and eventually they would be discarded as failed experiments. We constantly heard that Lee had all the riches, that we needed only them, but we slowly died from malnutrition. We had "irreconcilable differences," and apparently needed a "divorce." Because of Titus Chu's oversight, many of Lee's movements never made it into our LC's. Nearly none of Lee's winds and waves of teaching ever bore much fruit beyond the mid-80's "New Way" time frame. Yet we stuck it out, hoping beyond hope, until they excommunicated us.

When I first entered the LC's, it was anointed Christ-centered teachings from the Bible. I was filled in the Spirit hearing the word and speaking for the Lord. Most LC ministers had some liberty to preach according to the local needs. They could labor in the word, and not be confined to Lee's regurgitated teachings.

I have been overwhelmingly convinced by the testimonies of many ex-members that the anointing on Lee's ministry (btw, common to all ministers of the Lord) slowly vanished because of all the pride and unrighteousness at LSM.
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