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Old 05-13-2018, 07:07 PM   #32
Join Date: Apr 2018
Location: Pacific Northwest
Posts: 439
Default Re: Do you think that highest truth of Witnesse Lee can satisfy your hunger

Originally Posted by Ohio View Post
ByHisMercy, thanks for bringing this to the forefront.

The Bible has very limited application of so-called shunning, e.g. incest in I Cor 5 and heretical teachers in Titus 3.10.

On the contrary, the Bible commands us to love our neighbors, love our enemies, love even those who disagree with us. Shunning the brothers should be the extremely rare exception, but instead it is all too common in legalistic, exclusive settings like at LSM. I have witnessed beloved brothers being shunned, not for any sin or wrongdoing, but because they merely loved the ministry at LSM, and were not adequately zealous and sufficiently absolute for Witness Lee. This is the ugly side of LSM's history they like to keep hidden, even from their own brothers and sisters.
Hi Ohio,
I know that if I had seen the truth about the loyalty to the highest the LC, this one is Witness Lee, not our Savior Jesus....if I had seen this from the beginning, I would not have joined this ministry!

There is the danger of leaving our first love, Jesus Himself....destruction lies in its' wake...the Lord really prepared me to see this danger...over a many years aquaintance with one friend who was raised in the SDA church. Leavng the pure word of God is to leave the narrow path, and to hold one man(or woman!) and his ministry so high....look where it has taken the LC...I am very thankful for His mercy to me...
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