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Old 05-13-2018, 05:11 PM   #25
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Default Re: How the LCM Affects Personality

Originally Posted by Drake View Post

In 78, I was in a meeting just after Max had visited a certain locality giving a conference. I did not see Max. However the brothers were all a buzz saying that Max at one point threw the Bible physically across the floor saying "we do not need dead letters". I remember that many seemed to approve of his illustration and one even reiterated it in a meeting (fortunately he did throw the Bible as Max did else I would have reacted). Privately others told me they disagreed with Max and that he should not have done that and that it had caused a problem. I mentioned the incident to the elders in my locality and they indicated that it was wholly inappropriate and that Brother Lee was aware and was about to correct that situation. Shortly after, Max was dismissed. And the locality I visited? Some followed Max out, including the lead elder, and others started to rebuild. There was and is much latitude in the Lord's recovery and many tried to take advantage of that.

Max came to Chicago in May 1977 with a mandate from WL to "shake up" the LC's as the "Universal Coordinator of the One New Man" so that all the young people would move out of the Midwest to "training centers" under WL's control. Boston was the place on the East Coast and Anaheim out West. Other Universities were also discussed. When the Cleveland eldership resisted Max's demands from WL, and his pressure on them to resign, many of the young people staged a coup d'etat. It nearly turned bloody. This was June of 1977.

One of my close friends was so shaken by the conflict, that he walked slowly to the center of the room between both factions and fell to his knees and prayed. It seemed to end the conflict, at least for that day.
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