Re: How the LCM Affects Personality
Originally Posted by Drake
I can picture someone saying the first half, but the last point ....""brothers" will tell me where I will go "" odd. Well anyway, what is the rest of the story? Did they tell you where you would you go? You told them you wanted to be a Buckeye and they told you " no instead you will go to Harvard".??
I can picture brothers saying " Brother Ohio, you might be able to sink shots from 3 point land all day long and OSU could use a hot hand like yours, but you are in the Lord's army, and you need to prepare yourself to be useful to Him, so pray and consider then let's get together and fellowship about it. In the end, it is your decision but we feel you should open to our fellowship. " Nothing wrong with that, is there?
None of that was discussed.
You're far too "reasonable" Drake.
Back in 1977 you were just a baby duckling, sheltered from the Anaheim wolves.
Ohio's motto is: With God all things are possible!.
Keeping all my posts short, quick, living, and to the point!