Originally Posted by Terry
I was told something quite different. When it came to college and prospective careers, "it should be practical for the church-life".
Could certainly pray over which school to attend. What if the school decided upon wasn't to their liking? Go back and pray some more?
Whether it's school of choice, career of choice, or marriage of choice, it's you that has to live with those decisions and not the brothers who are trying to persuade you towards their preferences.
I know a couple in this situation in terms of migrating. They were on their way to move to one place after having a feeling to do so for some years, and the brothers fellowshipped with them and redirected them to a totally different place that was not on their original radar at all. This couple migrated there and it has been especially detrimental, even in terms of health, to the wife who, due to a number of reasons, has ended up being quite isolated most of the years they have been there. Now this couple wants to move again but "the brothers" who meddled in the first place now have no feeling or fellowship for them. So they are stuck where they don't want to be but don't know where to go without direction from the brothers. They have been so trained through all the years to follow the direction of men that they are totally stuck otherwise. I get frustrated thinking, "So the Lord you've been contacting every day and who you've been following all these years suddenly is silent to you without the brothers telling you what the Lord's feeling is?"