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Old 01-18-2010, 04:18 PM   #43
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Default Re: Peter and James and John

Originally Posted by aron View Post
I was recently considering the idea of "works" in the context of this thread. It seems clear to me there are different works. One is the unique christian work, which is to believe.
James word "faith without works is dead," has been heavily criticized by many, including myself, especially with my Catholic background. I was surrounded by Catholics who felt they were pleasing to God due to their "works."

But Peter speaks differently here, "Having your manner of life excellent among the nations, that wherein they speak against you as evildoers, they may, by observing your good works, glorify God."

Paul spoke similarly, "Christ Jesus gave Himself for us, that He might redeem us from all lawlessness and purify to Himself a people for His own possession, zealous of good works."

This is an area of gross shortage among the LSM/LC's. Where are there "good works" towards the nations? When the outsiders look at LSM what do they think? Most never heard of them. Those who have may only think about lawsuits. Inside the LC's, the greatest and most noble "work" would be to "serve the ministry." GG used to promote the FTTA to all the YP every chance he got.

WL successfully convinced generations of precious and committed LC saints that their highest service was to build up his own work. He called this the Levitical service. He surrounded himself with successful pitchmen.

When the GLA saints tried to help their 2nd generation have a new mindset, from "sitting around soaking up the riches -- and condemning poor, poor ... ," to getting out and helping someone else in need, what did Anaheim do? Applaud them? Hardly! Instead, they condemned the GLA for using "gimmicks." They called these "dead works."

Now what's wrong with this picture folks? To serve LSM is just fine. To blast your fellow brethren on the outside is just fine. To sit in trainings all the time is just fine. But to go out and help someone in need will really get you into trouble.
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