Originally Posted by JJ
I've been reading your posts on how gentile Christians excluded Jews and whole regions of earth suffered darkness and oppression from the consequences. That’s an entirely new thought to me. But, I don’t know near east history very well.
I think it's relevant to the topic. When you see the gospel in the NT, it's presented plainly, and delineated. What is, and what is not. Three centuries later, the now wholly gentile (Greek) church ruptured itself over conceptual overlays not central to the gospel message.
At its irreducible core, the gospel is so simple even an idiot can't mess it up. But Satan isn't called the subtle one for nothing. He induced us to add extraneous layers of complexity, and then focus on that as if it were something in and of itself.
If you Google names like "Cyril of Alexandria" or "Jerome" or "John Chrysostom" and "antisemitism" you'll find material. John's "Against the Jews" is a good example. If Paul told Peter not to force the gentiles to live like Jews, then why were the 4th-century Christian's forcing the Jews to live like gentiles?