Originally Posted by Drake
But part of what makes this forum so toxic are comments just like that . The reason is simple. Ohio is engaging in button pushing. He picks this emotional issue, a clear failing, and then makes a false allegation that I defend the sin. The reason he cannot find one single example of my defending Philip Lee is because there are none. But he knew that when he said it. His objective was to attack and distract. He delights in the practice. His comments indicate anger and bitterness. That is why this forum has become toxic and why that sister left.
Those with a bad temper always blame the other person for "pushing their button."
What makes this forum so valuable is that it gets to the heart of the matter. It strikes the axe at the root.
Drake supports a publisher named LSM which foments division around the globe, which brings churches under their legalistic bondage, which has long hidden a corrupt management, and which attacks those who would speak their conscience and shine a light on their unrighteous practices.
True to form,
Drake then attacks me for bringing up these facts as so-called "ad hominems," claiming that I cause this forum to be toxic, chasing away current LC members, and accusing him of defending the sins of the former manager of LSM. While I never directly claimed that he defended Philip Lee's many sins, where was he when Philip laid waste many beloved brothers and sisters? How can he condone his silence?
By claiming to be "one" with the brothers? By professing ignorance? Remember that, "
Inaction in the face of injustice makes a person morally guilty of the injustice."
But here is what the Apostle says (2Cor 6) about actions like his:
- What partnership has righteousness with lawlessness?
- What fellowship has light with darkness?
- What harmony has Christ with Belial?
- What par has a believer with an unbeliever?
- What agreement has the temple of God with idols?
Paul also says in 2 Tim 2.19, "
Let everyone that names the name of the Lord depart from unrighteousness."