Originally Posted by Jo S
Can you count how many "I"s are in that post? I think you try a little too hard to justify yourself before others. Luke 16:25 comes to mind.
Hi Jo S,
I appreciate your joining the forum, your inquiries, and the fresh thoughtful approach you are bringing. I have benefited and believe others will as well if they haven't already. The exchange between you and Evangelical is helping me to understand the subject from different perspectives.... so thanks for that.
That is why I was surprised at the non-sequitur above. That has nothing to do with the subject. Evangelical's use of the personal pronoun "I" may be because you used "you" so he felt the need to clarify with "I"... or perhaps he just communicates from a personal perspective, or perhaps time will show that he uses "I" at the same average as everyone else.
I really don't know.
Anyway, please keep sharing on the topic and not get distracted with the irrelevant.