Originally Posted by byHismercy
Drake, you are lying on me...quite one with Satan there, are you? I NEVER said what you accuse me of....such visciousness is so rare in a regenerated believer...you are putting lying false words in my mouth to prove a point about my argument being invalid? Just so we are clear....you just made these things up as an example of error....not to wound me, right?
You are a liar, and you did change my mind about your personal allegiance to Satan. So you win. Happy now? I am convinced Satan is your father. Consider yourself marked.
Wound you? Heavens no. No desire to do that.
Please don’t take offense. I said right up front it would be an illustration of an opinion but not an argument. Like for iike. Method for method. End to end. An opinion based on statements you made, applying those words to scripture, and making charges against believers as a call to action to shun them. Anyone can do that .... as you did. And so did I.
I did not make your actual characterization up... “dung”, “flush it down”. I did not pick a verse out of thin air, it was your selection, ... and your call to action was to divide Christians from a ministry and a group of believers where they currently are. Essentially to follow you out. That was the illustrating part. Nevertheless, one could, without much effort, form a similar opinion about you and what you think just based on your short time here. When I read your posts I see those elements present else I would not have used them to illustrate. . However, you will object that my op-ed was a lie and that you never meant those things that way. Okay, but an opinion is just that, an opinion, and difficult to argue against unless it is outrageous or ridiculous.
That is why I challenged you to make a compelling argument. Ohio made an argument about the Romans verse but it was mostly anecdotal. More often than not that is the best we achieve here. Opinions and anecdotal arguments. Not always but mostly. Scriptural arguments based on actual teachings are rare. Post #188 is a another example of opinion not argument formulated in the same pattern as my illustration.
But please, don’t take offense. With you, I was demonstrating the difference between an opinion and an argument using your owns terminology and methods.