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Old 04-28-2018, 01:20 AM   #189
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Default Re: Now's good

Originally Posted by byHismercy View Post
Drake, you are lying on me...quite one with Satan there, are you? I NEVER said what you accuse me of....such visciousness is so rare in a regenerated are putting lying false words in my mouth to prove a point about my argument being invalid? Just so we are just made these things up as an example of error....not to wound me, right?

You are a liar, and you did change my mind about your personal allegiance to Satan. So you win. Happy now? I am convinced Satan is your father. Consider yourself marked.
ByHisMercy, here we have another example of why Romans 16.17 is needed -- even here on this forum. Drake has become a seasoned wordsmith -- no different from the lawyers and scribes in Jerusalem which regularly opposed the Lord Jesus -- twisting and manipulating your own words against you. He needs to be "marked" for his actions.

I have witnessed this deception coming out of LSM my entire adult life, yet it took an actual quarantine in Midwest LC's I once lived in, before my eyes were opened to their abuses. Then I began to realize that it is LSM who is most guilty of what they accuse the rest of the church of. (See Paul's rebuke in Romans 2.1)
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