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Old 04-25-2018, 09:25 AM   #34
Join Date: Aug 2012
Posts: 100
Default Re: Myth Busters LCD Style Program 1

Originally Posted by aron View Post

To me the most popular program might be the most profitable. I'd recommend busting the myth of the "high peak gospel"; conversely the proposition that there is a "low" gospel. Those are subjective assessments made by a man whose self interest (promoting his ministry and himself as minister) caused bias in terms like "high" and "low".

If you look at Paul's epistle to the Roman's, he repeatedly associated the word "gospel" with the resurrection. See e.g., Rom 1:1-4 with verse 16 (connecting word is 'power' - the power that raised Jesus from the dead). See also the confession of faith. "If you believe in your heart and confess with your mouth that God has raised him from the dead you will be saved"
Aron, The so called high gospel is fundamental to understanding the LC mentality. It provides another way in which to separate themselves and feel superior (higher) than other Christians. All of their jargon, high gospel MOA, ground of oneness, etc serves the same function. They create a word, an idea or a principle and then use their usage/ understanding of it to belittle others who don't use it or who don't follow it, like meeting on the ground of oneness. It's even more nefarious than belittling, in fact. They use it to say others are Christless or without the blessing. They use lack of adherence to quarantine and excommunicate. As if these made up words and slogans were fundamental and accepted truths.
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