Originally Posted by byHismercy
-----Evangelical quote---So if people want to interpret this as the person of Satan as meaning the one individual fallen angel person who obviously is not omnipresent, then I guess that reflects more on their intelligence than Lee's.----
Myself and any thinking person should understand this to mean the spirit of Satan.
My response to this statement is John 14:26.....But the Comfortor, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in My name, He shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your rememberance, whatsoever I have said to you.
The Lord Spirit has everything to do with understanding His word, not a man made measurement of the human intelligence quotient. I mean, what you are suggesting is that only a person or persons with a so called low i.q.will not be able to believe and receive what Lee was teaching. What silly nonsense.
John 14:17.....Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it sees Him not, neither knows Him: but you know Him; for He dwells with you, and shall be in you.
Gods' word refutes Lees error.
What is indicative of low intelligence is people's inability to synthesize all the facts and jump to conclusions about Lee's beliefs. For example, here, Lee clarifies his position, stating clearly that he does not believe Satan to be omnipresent, and refers to Satan as the evil spirit working in mankind:
A General Sketch of the New Testament in the Light of Christ and the Church
By Witness Lee
"although we do not say that Satan is omnipresent, we must realize that he dwells in man's flesh" "Today Satan, the evil spirit, is working in mankind."
Christians implicitly believe Satan to be omnipresent anyway, because of his minions, his influence, his spirit. If he wasn't, then the warnings in Scripture could not apply to all believers. The chances of meeting the actual Satan would be very small, and few would have to worry about encountering such evil.
The next time two Christians say at the same time "Satan tempted me today", we should say "no, that's incorrect, he tempted only one of you, because he cannot be in two places at the same time". If we are serious about calling Lee's interpretation into question over this then we should apply that belief consistently. Clearly Lee does not believe Satan himself is omnipresent, but does believe his influence is everywhere which is
as if Satan were everywhere. Most Christians believe like this, but they think that sin is some fault of man, rather than Satan.
I think we need to distinguish between actual omnipresence, and manufactured omnipresence. As God's counterfeit and evil copy-cat, Satan must give the appearance of omnipresence, a false omnipresence, and I think this is what Lee is referring to by Satan in the flesh. I believe this also can be achieved by having the ability to travel very fast and utilize hordes of minions.