Originally Posted by Evangelical
I believe you are correct as well as Drake, because the flow of the Spirit is likened to blood flowing in the body. There is a thing called the "feeling of the Body". For example our head makes the decisions but it values the "input" from the little toe when it gets hurt. Drake is also correct I believe for the simple reason that God is God and our opinions are sometimes more of a distraction or hindrance, and there should be some limits and controls on who can contribute to the decision making process.
May be it's time to update the LC teaching on Nicolaitans - It's wrong to have hierarchy in the fallen Christianity, it's perfectly fine for the LC because only it is the true body of Christ.
Originally Posted by Evangelical
This in itself is a lesson - if we contribute our opinion, be prepared to take responsibility for it. Many people in the church like to give their opinion but do not like being burdened with the responsibility of it. Maybe those who don't like what the elders are doing would like to become elders themselves and show everyone how it should be done?
I am afraid this willingness to take burden is called "ambition" by WL.
There are so many double standards in the LC teachings that the "authority" can simply pick whichever to its own advantage.