Re: First Post kumbaya
Originally Posted by Drake
Sure, and they did.
The question here is not one of right to publish... the issue is representation. Does this or that represent the ministry. If the answer is yes, then all is well. If the answer is no and someone insists that they are representing the ministry and want to publish even elsewhere then things do not go as well. Usually.
This is all hogwash!
Titus Chu ministered to LC's in greater Ohio area since the 1960's, long before many of the Blendeds came along. Then in ~2005 the Blendeds got to decide that TC "does not represent the ministry." Whose ministry is it anyways? Since when does LSM get to decide what "ministry" is representative?"
Ohio's motto is: With God all things are possible!.
Keeping all my posts short, quick, living, and to the point!