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Old 04-16-2018, 09:07 AM   #281
Join Date: Jul 2008
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Default Re: First Post kumbaya

Originally Posted by Ohio View Post
Shall I also count how many Witness Lee books I have on my shelf?
I don't have any Milton or Shakespeare either, but I object to any "Farenheit 451" dystopian regime telling me whether or not they can be on my shelves. You know, to avoid confusion. If people read the wrong books they might get ideas, and book sales might drop.

Yes, Drake has me pegged clean - it is a pet peeve of mine. I object to anyone dominating the flock, telling us what we can and can't think, what we can and can't publish, what we can and can't say in gatherings of the faithful.

And it's a peeve of mine just as "KJV only" is with Drake, and for the same reason - it's institutionalized stupidity. God gave us hearts and also brains.

Back to the RecV footnote issue - it's not just that they are apparently contradictory, and arguably questionable. It's that this "reading", as Drake calls it, is placed in these captive assemblies as if it were from God. It cannot be questioned, examined critically, or potentially be subject to correction. As soon as one does that with the ministry, and begins to treat it like the output of any other author, the whole house of cards might come tumbling down.

In that sense it is exactly like the 'KJV only' issue. God's oracle has spoken; how dare we mortals question?
"Freedom is free. It's slavery that's so horribly expensive" - Colonel Templeton, ret., of the 12th Scottish Highlanders, the 'Black Fusiliers'
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