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Old 04-16-2018, 08:22 AM   #280
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Default Re: First Post kumbaya

Originally Posted by Drake View Post

“Right. Or, like those who say there is One Publication Policy, because, well . . . to avoid confusion. . . you know.”


You are confounding, as is typical, “one publication” with “one’s reading”. A ministry will publish what they believe is according to their ministry and readers will read whatever they want to. Both sides are free to make that choice in free societies.

Yet, I don’t believe you really give a hoot about the one publication you just use it as a hammer to drive pet peeve nails. Seriously, how many Titus Chu or Dong books are on your personal book shelf right now? Count them. Honestly, how many of either of those author’s books have you even read?

I suspect zero.... to avoid confusion... we’ll, you know.

Shall I also count how many Witness Lee books I have on my shelf?
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