The Acting God? Not
The term “The Acting God”, let’s examine it.
First of all “The”. Why is the capitalized article here? Did the apostles ever use this term about themselves? “The anything”? No, it was always “an apostle”, “apostles, “ambassadors”, or better yet “imitators of God” (see below). So, let’s ditch it.
Second “Acting”. Today’s English definition of “Acting” as a noun is “the art or practice of representing a character on a stage or before cameras, according to Merriam-Webster.” As an adjective it is “temporarily doing the duties of another person.”
Several New Testament verses say the apostles, and the believers who follow them are imitators of God and of the Lord:
Ephesians 5:1
1 Thessalonians 1:6
Hebrews 6:12
The Greek word in all of these verses is mimétés. The definition of which is seen in the following link:
So is “acting” the same as “being an imitator”? Close, but not exactly. So, let’s ditch the word “acting” and use “imitators” with the definition given above.
Third “God”. Besides saying they were imitators of God, ambassadors of Christ, sons or children of God, did the aposles ever use the term God when describing themselves? Of course not. They would find it reprehensible for Christ’s followers to think of them as God or gods. Acts 14:8-18 and Acts 3:12; 4:8-12 .
Although the people regarded the apostles highly, the believers were brought to the Lord Acts 5:12-1; 9:34 ;11:24 and directed to pray to the Lord Acts 8:22.
They did say that they “spoke the word of God” and that the believers received as such, and not the word of men 1 Thessalonians 2:13
Also, Paul was said to be Jesus’ “chosen instrument to carry His name before the Gentiles and their kings, and before the people of Israel. Acts 9:15.
So, let’s be very careful and only say exactly what the Bible says about the apostles and ditch the term “The Acting God” for them.
So, since close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades, and the apostles want us to not miss the mark (1 Timothy 1:6;6:21; 2 Tim 2:18 ), let’s stick to what they said and not invent our own terms like Witness Lee did.