04-14-2018, 04:51 PM
Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: Texas
Posts: 2,102
Re: Christmas anyone?
Originally Posted by clever sister
My first Christmas outside of LC I was living in a country where my only family member was a cousin who was never in LC. I asked him if I could spend Christmas holiday with him and was kindly allowed to join his wife's family celebration. Christmas eve we went to a Christmas service, which was the first time I had been to anything Christianity related since leaving LC. When I woke up on Christmas morning at the breakfast table was a make-shift stocking my cousin and his wife and filled with a few presents for me. My first Christmas stocking in my life! We then headed to his wife's sisters house and I was made to feel like part of the family. Several of her family members gave me presents even though they had never met me before. It was so delightful, I was only indirectly related to these people but they showed me what the "Christmas spirit" is all about.
And so the second Christmas I had away from home I invited a friend who was also away from home to spend the day with me. We had great fun, making a ginger bread house, cooking meals together, watching Christmas movies.
WHAT??? No football?