Originally Posted by LifeGoesOn
So, for the first time since I was born, I will be celebrating Christmas. I am headed with my family to my mother-in law’s tomorrow on Christmas Eve. My wife and I want to use this holiday to share the Gospel with our kids and create new family traditions centered around the importance of our Messiah coming into the world.
As a kid I was told that we just don’t celebrate Chtistmas. I don’t even recall the reason given for not celebrating it. Just a big void around that time of year and feeling abnormal.
How have you guys felt about celebrating Christmas since you left the LC and who is celebrating it this year?
My first Christmas outside of LC I was living in a country where my only family member was a cousin who was never in LC. I asked him if I could spend Christmas holiday with him and was kindly allowed to join his wife's family celebration. Christmas eve we went to a Christmas service, which was the first time I had been to anything Christianity related since leaving LC. When I woke up on Christmas morning at the breakfast table was a make-shift stocking my cousin and his wife and filled with a few presents for me. My first Christmas stocking in my life! We then headed to his wife's sisters house and I was made to feel like part of the family. Several of her family members gave me presents even though they had never met me before. It was so delightful, I was only indirectly related to these people but they showed me what the "Christmas spirit" is all about.
And so the second Christmas I had away from home I invited a friend who was also away from home to spend the day with me. We had great fun, making a ginger bread house, cooking meals together, watching Christmas movies.