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Old 04-14-2018, 12:17 AM   #258
clever sister
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Default Re: First Post kumbaya

Originally Posted by Evangelical View Post
A devotional book goes for about 6-8 weeks. That's no more than 10 books a year. At $10 each that's only $100 per year. Hardly a burden for most. Anyway, I always buy the online version, it's only about $5. So yes, if you are new, or forgetful, a copy may be done, but I think it's right to pay for them eventually.
I wasn't talking about the HWfMR.

I was talking about the money (and time) my parents have poured into the "Free Bible" work the LSM promotes around the world. LSM prints the bibles themselves, yes, there would be some cost associated with that, but I doubt it is $10.

If they are really doing it to further the Word of God, wouldn't the provide the bibles at cost?

Maybe I am naive and under appreciate the cost of materials in actually producing the free Recovery Version bible.
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