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Old 04-06-2018, 08:53 AM   #6
Join Date: Mar 2018
Posts: 14
Default Re: Disturbing scriptures, Your interperetation please.

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
I'd be glad to help you with these questions. The talk of the single eye is spiritual in nature. Jesus often talked about having eyes that see and ears that hear. Exhorting one to have a single eye is for believers. It is to keep your eye fixed on Jesus Christ himself. Not to let things of this world or even people to compete for the top place in your heart. It is only as one lives a cruciform life, or is at least on their way that they are going to be enjoying the inheritance that is found in Jesus Christ. I could dive into this with you much deeper if you would like.

"My clergy sure never recommended meditation or of me emulating Jesus and judging all things for myself." This makes me suspect that you are currently Catholic?. If so, your suspicions are correct. Jesus is talking about those who are void of understanding at seek to lure people into listening to them rather than seeking a personal relationship with God. God does/did send prophets to help guide his people. We are to seek help from others. That is what is going on here at this very site. What we aren't suppose to do is place in other men in the place of Jesus Christ himself. This has taken many forms with people today. One prime example is the Pope within the catholic church. Anybody that would discourage you from reading the Word of God for yourself, meditating on it, seeking understanding for yourself directly from God is somebody you need to flee from and have nothing to do with. It is highly questionable whether that person is saved. God wants personal relationships with all people. One of the reasons for this whole experience on earth is to sort out who really desires to know God and who doesn't. It sounds to me like God is opening your eyes to see. That he is drawing you to himself. This will expose errors that you have. Ways that you have been lead astray. BUT! If you go on with God. Find him for salvation if you haven't already. All of God's working in you that you go along with will lead unto a great inward Revelation of Jesus Christ himself. It will be unto your own good with in the Will of God.

One last thing. We don't really "emulate" Jesus. A Christian works to die to self so that they might live with Christ. That they would have Jesus Christ revealed in them. That they may live his life. This isn' the same as trying to emulate Jesus Christ from out of our own natural life. Unfortunately this teaching or at least neglect of proper teaching is all over. Galatians 2:20 "I have been crucified with Christ, and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself up for me." I suspect that you will need some time to meditate on this to understand it.

Again if you desire any more fellowship on these matters I would be more than happy to oblige! I can provide you with some other sources that speak on these matters if you would like also.
I would not mind chatting on Jesus if you wish to take the usual position of saying that substitutionary atonement is somehow good.

I picked up this link that seems to make moral sense. Give me your thoughts on it from a moral/legal POV if you like and we can discuss this issue here, or start a new thread.

This next is longer but has a Bishop talking a lot of sense.

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