Re: You can't serve God if you aren't graduated from full-time training.
Okay you can 'serve' without going to the training - but you won't be supported financially by the church. Thats full-time employment basically, a big investment on their part, so they should be able to make that requirement if they should so choose, being an employer. If you have a part time job or are supported in some way by someone else such as your family or the government, then you're free to join the campus team and take appointments with new ones. Sometimes you'll get anonymous unofficial donations anyway - at least thats how it was with me in NZ.
Also the dress code is not unreasonable. You can't wear a tie? There are lots of companies who wouldn't employ you if you refused to wear a tie. Haircut limits? I once shaved off a head full of dreadlocks for a job interview, because thats what it takes. I didn't even get the job.
Having said that, I totally think they're a dodgy cult, much like being a Mormon or JW. They also have a strict dress code, but the dress code is not what makes them a cult.
I shaved my head the other day to a #1 and I love it, and I haven't worn a tie in years - but when I do put on a white shirt and tie, I feel classy, I personally have no problem with it.