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Old 04-03-2018, 10:51 AM   #37
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Default Re: You can't serve God if you aren't graduated from full-time training.

Originally Posted by Steel View Post
Sure sounds like God is into providing patterns for us to follow.
Yes He did. Many of which are in the scriptures, and many others are in the body of Christ today.

There's a world of difference, however, between being a healthy pattern in faith, love, and service to the believers, and some of the horrible lessons and fiery trials inflicted on the church by WL, for example:
  • In Acts 20, Paul testified with tears how he was with the elders in Ephesus all the time with all humility and tears. Compare this with Lee's regular practice of public humiliations, dress-downs, and shamings in order to maintain his power base.
  • In I Cor 6, Paul spoke how lawsuits were a shame and a defeat for them, exhorting them rather to be wronged and defrauded. Compare this to Lee's practice of filing lawsuits against every critic on earth. The Blendeds became even worse, filing lawsuits against all the Midwest LC's to seize church assets.
  • Paul testified (II Cor 2.17, 4.2) that he was different from all the rest, never using the word of God for personal profit, peddling the scripture for filthy lucre. Compare this to Lee's habit of using the church for his many failed businesses, then demanding that all LC's use only his materials.
Witness Lee Duplication Centers? Count me out!
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