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Old 04-03-2018, 10:30 AM   #3
Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: in Spirit & in Truth
Posts: 1,377
Default Re: John Smith - With The Lord

Hi all,
My earthly heart is heavy in learning that one of my beloved mentor's in Christ, John Smith went to be with the Lord.. Happy however, he is in the Glory Clouds for sure.

Not only do I have fond memories of John & Sonya but when I talk about my upbringing in the Lord in San Diego in the LC, to my non LC brethren I never think of WL's teaching, but of how John explained and taught the Word to us. John was a teacher. A very GOOD teacher. He studied the WORD.. not simply what Lee taught. He incorporated Lee's teachings of course (Christ and the church) but he and Sonya did their best to look after the flock. They were never prideful.

John had been a Baptist pastor before finding his way into the LC. So he truly had a vision of the pureness of the church as seen in the NT. He strived for us to be that kind of church...

I did not have as much of an appreciation for him back in the day as I have had in the last several years when I recall my upbringing in the Lord.

John was patient. He and Sonya had 6 kids I think..2 of them twins! And boy were they all rowdy! Nothing 'spiritual' about the kids! But they kept us silly 'spiritual' saints in balance. Of course, back then I probably had more of a judgmental spirit. What did I know??

A quick personal testimony of the first time I talked to John:
I was 20 when I got saved. Now I had been working in a place where there were several San Diego LCrs there. They would get together at lunch and have fellowship. They would bring their KJ bibles to work. (there were no RCV back in 1975). One of the guys (brother) began sharing the gospel with me AFTER I ASKED him about the bible during breaktime.

For about a week, he took me through Genesis to Revelation and I was mesmerized. At the end of the week he invited me to the 'love feast/gospel feast' we held on Saturday nights.

I agreed to go. But here's what happened.. I chickened out. On Saturday afternoon JOHN called to let me know some sisters were going to pick me up. I remember telling him I was not going to go after all. I remember his voice so clearly telling me not to worry. To this day, I still recall his voice on the phone so clearly!

Monday morning came and I had to face the brother and was embarrassed for backing out. Nonetheless, I prayed with Mark that morning AT WORK and got truly saved. That evening I had dinner with some sisters and one of the other elders home, Les and Carolyn Cites, my other spiritual 'parents'.

I went to a new believers bible study and met Willie Samoff. (I was flying in the spirit). The next night I met John and Sonya at a prayer meeting and I got baptized. It just so happened that week they had meetings every night and every night I attended, thus meeting John and Sonya who were genuinely down to earth and yet filled with the Spirit.

John was very discerning. Aside from being a loyal LCr under Lee's ministry, his goal was to make sure we truly got to know the Word, Jesus Himself and the Power of His Precious Shed Blood.

That was his goal for each of us. The 'church' and fellowship was important to him but if we did not have a true relationship with the LORD and experienced the Blood of Jesus in our lives how 'rich' could our fellowship be? We were about 75 LCrs under the age of 25. The 'old timers' were John and Sonya.. and a few married couples in their 40s.

I don't know how it was in the other localities but in his 'sermons', he always shared stories of his youth living in a farm milking cows. He would make us laugh. We had great least they were for me.

I know this forum sometimes dogs the popcorn testimonies but ours were good and fun for the most part. We had a lot of laughs!

I have quite a few friends who no longer attend 'church'. When I share some of the stories and experiences I had back in the day, they love hearing them.

Back in the day, we did as best we could with what we had to get away from the Nicolaetan system ( clergy - laity ) But sadly it was short lived.

I loved John and Sonya Smith.. I loved/love Les and Carolyn Cites who are still there, Willie and Sandy Samoff who also left.. God used them greatly to mentor the saints in San Diego in the early to mid 70s. I still love all the saints in the LC even though I am no longer there. I am free at last.. FREE AT LAST.. THANK GOD ALMIGHTY I AM FREE AT LAST.. in Christ Jesus Amen.

God bless them.. God bless us all... For sure one day (soon I hope) we will meet each other on the other side.

Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.
(Luke 21:36)
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